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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
= + Mi 25.01.2023, Berlin, Fraunhofer ENIQ, EUREF-Campus 23/24, 09:30 - 13:00 Uhr: Greenhouse Gas-Neutral Enterprises and Administrations - between Greenwashing and Green Transition + =

On behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA), the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE organizes a conference at the Fraunhofer ENIQ in Berlin in January 2023. The conference aims at shedding light on the topic of greenhouse gas GHG-neutral enterprises and administrations and helps participants to distinguish between greenwashing and a sustainable green transition.

The first day of the conference starts with keynotes and speeches presenting the latest insights on the different concepts and perspectives of GHG-neutrality from science, climate policy and practice. The insights will be expanded in different parallel workshop sessions with deep dives into topics such as GHG-neutral buildings or procurement. The second day focuses on controlling and offsetting GHG emissions and how to detect and avoid the suspicion of greenwashing.

The event focuses on an interactive transfer of expertise by several parallel and open space sessions, high-level keynotes, panel discussions and networking with other stakeholders. It aims at mapping the dynamic field of GHG-neutrality and supports the sustainable transformation of organizations and enterprises.

'''The conference will be held in English.'''

[[https://www.eniq.fraunhofer.de/de/Veranstaltungen/Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral-Enterprises-and-Administrations.html | Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung]]

+ Mi 25.01.2023, Berlin, Fraunhofer ENIQ, EUREF-Campus 23/24, 09:30 - 13:00 Uhr: Greenhouse Gas-Neutral Enterprises and Administrations - between Greenwashing and Green Transition +

On behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA), the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE organizes a conference at the Fraunhofer ENIQ in Berlin in January 2023. The conference aims at shedding light on the topic of greenhouse gas GHG-neutral enterprises and administrations and helps participants to distinguish between greenwashing and a sustainable green transition.

The first day of the conference starts with keynotes and speeches presenting the latest insights on the different concepts and perspectives of GHG-neutrality from science, climate policy and practice. The insights will be expanded in different parallel workshop sessions with deep dives into topics such as GHG-neutral buildings or procurement. The second day focuses on controlling and offsetting GHG emissions and how to detect and avoid the suspicion of greenwashing.

The event focuses on an interactive transfer of expertise by several parallel and open space sessions, high-level keynotes, panel discussions and networking with other stakeholders. It aims at mapping the dynamic field of GHG-neutrality and supports the sustainable transformation of organizations and enterprises.

The conference will be held in English.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

+ Mi 25.01.2023, Bielefeld, Niederwall 23, 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Kommunale Nachhaltigkeitstagung NRW +

Transformation gestalten in der Dekade des Handelns Von der Strategie zur Umsetzung – Für zukunftsfähige Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise

Kommunen stehen vor komplexen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen bei der Gestaltung einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation. Nachhaltige Lösungen bedürfen agiler Strukturen in der Verwaltung, innovativer Ideen und konkretem Handeln. Der Fokus der 9. Kommunalen Nachhaltigkeitstagung NRW liegt auf der lokalen Umsetzung von Nachhaltiger Entwicklung durch die Verwaltungen. Innovative kommunale Beispielprojekte zeigen, wie gelebte Nachhaltigkeit aussehen kann. Tauschen Sie sich zu lokalen Nachhaltigkeitsprozessen aus, lernen Sie erfolgreiche Projekte kennen und setzen Sie neue Impulse in Ihrer Kommune!

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung

+ Mi 25.01.2023, Scientists4Future, Seminarstr. 20, Osnabrück, 19 Uhr: Dürren in Europa +

Zur regionalen Zunahme von Wetterextremen als Folge der Erderwärmung und deren Konsequenzen

AR Dr. Andreas Lechner, Institut für Geographie, Universität Osnabrück

Hier folgt in Kürze eine Kurzbeschreibung des Inhaltes.

Weitere Infos

Ort: Seminarstraße 20, Gebäude 15, Raum E16

FEE-OWL/2023-01-25 (zuletzt geändert am 2023-01-22 20:02:01 durch KurtGramlich)

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